
What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infection to Occur

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There are a lot of people who are wondering what causes vaginal yeast infection and how they can treat it. Since most symptoms of the condition are barely noticeable, women who have yeast infection do not really know they have it until the condition has turned for the worse. As such, knowing about the symptoms and causes can be a big help in knowing what to look out for during a yeast infection.

Yeast infections, or what is known as candidiasis, is among the common infections that occur in women. Based on research, vaginal yeast infections can occur at least once in the life of about 75% of women. Additionally, research has shown that a remarkable number of women encounter chronic or recurrent yeast infection. 

Before determining what causes vaginal yeast infection and how it can be treated, the first thing to do is know what the condition is. Yeast infections take place once the normal fungi residing in the vaginal area grows in number. This normally occurs when good bacteria are not capable of regulating a yeast fungus called Candida Albicans. Once the good bacteria become outnumbered, the normal balance of the vagina is disrupted and infection results. Fortunately, yeast infections are not serious and they can easily be treated.

Usually, people think that STDs or sexually transmitted diseases are what causes vaginal yeast infection. Even though there are some men who develop itching in their genital area after they had a sexual contact with someone infected with the condition, this condition is not considered as an STD. Mainly, vaginal yeast infections are caused by yeast overgrowth. A number of factors have been known to cause the overgrowth of yeast in the vaginal area.

Here are some of the things that cause the infection:


Antibiotics have been known to kill bad bacteria found in the body. In the process, it also gets rid of good bacteria. Since good bacteria are responsible for protecting the vagina, fungi is free to multiply when it is destroyed. Thus, an infection occurs.

Weak Immune System

Individuals who are currently undergoing chemotherapy have a weak immune system. At the same time, those who have HIV and those taking corticosteroid medication are prone to the infection.

Contraceptive Devices

Infections can also be caused by contraceptive devices like IUDs. Since these irritate and scratch the vagina’s lining, women who are using them are susceptible to the infection.

Hormonal Changes

Women who are ovulating, pregnant, menstruating, undergoing menopause, taking birth control pills, or undergoing hormone therapy have also been known to be susceptible to infections.

There are several other causes that can lead to a vaginal yeast infection. Among these include:

  • Diabetes

  • Tight clothing
  • Vaginal douches
  • Frequent washing of the vagina
  • Frequent bubble baths
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Poor diet
  • Consuming food with high yeast content
  • Consuming too much sweets
  • Glycerin based lubricants
  • Stress
  • Humid weather

Finding out What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infection By limiting your exposure to these factors, you can limit your risk for getting a vaginal yeast infection.

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