
What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infection to Occur

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There are a lot of people who are wondering what causes vaginal yeast infection and how they can treat it. Since most symptoms of the condition are barely noticeable, women who have yeast infection do not really know they have it until the condition has turned for the worse. As such, knowing about the symptoms and causes can be a big help in knowing what to look out for during a yeast infection.

Yeast infections, or what is known as candidiasis, is among the common infections that occur in women. Based on research, vaginal yeast infections can occur at least once in the life of about 75% of women. Additionally, research has shown that a remarkable number of women encounter chronic or recurrent yeast infection. 

Before determining what causes vaginal yeast infection and how it can be treated, the first thing to do is know what the condition is. Yeast infections take place once the normal fungi residing in the vaginal area grows in number. This normally occurs when good bacteria are not capable of regulating a yeast fungus called Candida Albicans. Once the good bacteria become outnumbered, the normal balance of the vagina is disrupted and infection results. Fortunately, yeast infections are not serious and they can easily be treated.

Usually, people think that STDs or sexually transmitted diseases are what causes vaginal yeast infection. Even though there are some men who develop itching in their genital area after they had a sexual contact with someone infected with the condition, this condition is not considered as an STD. Mainly, vaginal yeast infections are caused by yeast overgrowth. A number of factors have been known to cause the overgrowth of yeast in the vaginal area.

Here are some of the things that cause the infection:


Antibiotics have been known to kill bad bacteria found in the body. In the process, it also gets rid of good bacteria. Since good bacteria are responsible for protecting the vagina, fungi is free to multiply when it is destroyed. Thus, an infection occurs.

Weak Immune System

Individuals who are currently undergoing chemotherapy have a weak immune system. At the same time, those who have HIV and those taking corticosteroid medication are prone to the infection.

Contraceptive Devices

Infections can also be caused by contraceptive devices like IUDs. Since these irritate and scratch the vagina’s lining, women who are using them are susceptible to the infection.

Hormonal Changes

Women who are ovulating, pregnant, menstruating, undergoing menopause, taking birth control pills, or undergoing hormone therapy have also been known to be susceptible to infections.

There are several other causes that can lead to a vaginal yeast infection. Among these include:

  • Diabetes

  • Tight clothing
  • Vaginal douches
  • Frequent washing of the vagina
  • Frequent bubble baths
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Poor diet
  • Consuming food with high yeast content
  • Consuming too much sweets
  • Glycerin based lubricants
  • Stress
  • Humid weather

Finding out What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infection By limiting your exposure to these factors, you can limit your risk for getting a vaginal yeast infection.

If you want to know more What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infection information, please go to:


Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment Products That Are Effective

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Looking the best vaginal yeast infection treatment is 

the concern of women suffering from yeast infection. 

Yeast infection is a condition that involves irritation in 

the vagina and in the vulva. There is always an amount 

of yeast bacteria present in the vagina on a regular basis.  

But, when the number of yeast bacteria grows bigger, 

infection results. The goal of vaginal yeast infection 

treatment is to bring back the bacterial balance in the 

vaginal area.

Before thinking about buying vaginal yeast infection 

treatment medications, it is important to first take care 

of a few important matters:

  1. Consult with your doctor. You want to make sure that 

    the product you are buying is the right one for your 

    condition. Your doctor would be the best person to 

    give you a clear diagnosis of what your condition 

    really is. Taking yeast infection medication for 

    another medical condition can result in serious risks.

  2. Make sure that you are not pregnant. You do not 

    want to be taking any kind of medications if you are 

    pregnant. A home pregnancy test kit will tell you 

    whether or not you are expecting. Your doctor 

    should also be able to give you the same 


  1. Check for sexually transmitted infections. If you know

     that you are particularly predisposed to or at risk of 

    STIs, do not shrug off your symptoms and rely on 

    vaginal yeast infection treatment products. There 

    is a different treatment protocol for these infections.

One treatment for vaginal infection is non-prescription 

vaginal medications. These can come in tablet, cream, 

ointment, or suppository formulations. These products 

are accessible to women anywhere since they can be 

bought from both online and offline pharmacies. For 

more serious cases, prescription medication might be 

necessary. Severe infections require more potent 

formulations to combat bacteria in a short period of

The following are some of the popular types of vaginal

yeast infection treatment products:

  • Antifungal Vaginal Creams – these are topical

    applications that are regularly used on the affected 

    area to reduce redness, swelling, and itchiness. These

     formulations often contain steroids. They also come 

    with an applicator to ensure that the medication is

     applied in the right amount. The duration of 

    treatment would vary depending on the potency of 

    the medication. Usually, the number at the end of

     the product name would indicate the number of 

    days it should be used. A cream, for example with the 

    number 7 appended to its name would have to be

     used for seven days for medication to take full


  • Oral Antifungal Medications – these medications are

     often prescribed in single doses. The formulation of 

    these medications is supposed to kill the yeast and

     fungus in the patient’s body. There are, however, 

    some side effects associated with taking these 

    products. Some patients have reported experiencing 

    headaches and stomach trouble after taking these 

    drugs. Pregnant women are specifically not 

    recommended to take these drugs lest they expose

     themselves to possible adverse effects.

Vaginal yeast infection treatment are the most 

effective ways existing . Women who are experiencing 

the discomfort of this condition do not have to lose 

hope. There are even solutions and preventive measures 

that can be found online. Once you are rid of your yeast 

infection for good, make sure that you follow techniques

 that help protect your body from bacterial overgrowth.

If you want to get more Vaginal yeast infection 

treatment information, please go to

How to Cure a Vaginal Yeast Infection for Good

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The first step to knowing how to cure a vaginal yeast infection is to first be certain that it is indeed vaginal yeast infection or candidiasis. Other health problems can have the same symptoms. What you think could be yeast infection might be another illness. As such, even the most effective ways on how to cure a vaginal yeast infection could prove to be useless. Do not be embarrassed to get a doctor’s diagnosis. There are millions of women out there who are suffering from the same kind of infection. Once you are sure that you have vaginal yeast infection, you can find the right treatment for it.

There are several options you have on how to cure a vaginal yeast infection. Which route you take depends on how comfortable you are with the solutions and how severe your infection is. Home remedies are often used for mild to moderate infections. For severe infections, women are left with no other option but to go for prescription medication. There is, however, still some wisdom to using home remedies in conjunction with prescription medications.

Among the medications that are typically prescribed by doctors for yeast infections are Monostat 7 and Gyne-Lotrimin. Both of these medications are available over-the-counter in your neighborhood pharmacy. There are also online pharmacies where these medications can be bought. You should ask your gynecologist whether you should use the vaginal cream preparation or the suppository form of these medications.

Aside from these over-the-counter medications, you can find natural remedies right in your own home. If you want to know how to cure a vaginal yeast infection with natural remedies, you can find the information that you need in expert sites online. The best thing about natural options is that they are inexpensive and almost always readily available. One example of these natural remedies is your trusty breakfast fare – yogurt. This food contains large amounts of good bacterial that helps control the growth of candida fungi, the bacteria responsible for vaginal yeast infections, in the body. While this food alone cannot cure an existing infection, eating it regularly can help prevent future bacterial overgrowth.

Your best source of information about vaginal yeast infection and all accepted forms of treatment is your doctor. You should trust him to give you the right advice on how to cure a vaginal yeast infection for good. Learning about treatment procedures that worked for other women is also a good way to gather information about the disease before you make your final decision on which treatment to go for. Although there is no guarantee that your body will react the same way to a treatment that has been successful for one or several yeast infection patients, you can learn about the pros and cons of each procedure or treatment as experienced by real people like you.

With proper guidance from your doctor, you can finally learn how to cure a vaginal yeast infection through both prescription and natural treatments. This will assure you that you can safely and effectively get rid of your yeast infection for good without unnecessary expenses or hassles.

If you want to get more how to cure a vaginal yeast infection information , please go to :

Vaginal Yeast Infection Discharge Characteristics to Watch Out For

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It is natural for females to have vaginal discharge from time to time. 

This is part of the female reproductive organ’s protective mechanisms. 

But, there are times when this discharge could be indicative of female 

health problems. Normal vaginal discharge can be differentiated from 

vaginal yeast infection discharge. Knowing how to distinguish one 

from the other would empower women to seek medical advice at the 

soonest possible time to prevent more serious health problems.

The female reproductive system has the capability to protect itself from 

bacteria and foreign objects that can harm the body. The acidity level in 

the vagina or the pH levels are normally at 3.8 to 4.5, just the right 

acidity to discourage bad bacteria from thriving. The vagina secretes 

lactic acid for self-cleaning purposes. When the bacterial balance in the 

vaginal flora is disrupted, bad bacteria takes the opportunity to 

populate the area and cause infections. Yeast infection is one of the 

most common results of vaginal microflora imbalance.

  • The appearance of vaginal yeast infection discharge varies 

    from the normal appearance of vaginal lactic acid secretions. Here 

    are some characteristics to watch out for:

  • Is clumpy with appearance and consistency that is similar to white 

    cottage cheese

  • Is green or yellow in color and comes with an unpleasant odor
  • Has accompanying severe itchiness or soreness

  • Feels uncomfortable or causes a burning sensation when urinating

When you observe these characteristics, it is highly likely that you have 

vaginal yeast infection discharge. You should consult with your 

gynecologist immediately for a clear diagnosis. When this happens, 

your doctor may prescribe an antifungal vaginal yeast infection 

treatment product. If you want a safer side effects-free treatment, you 

can ask your doctor about home remedies that you can use at home.

Arming yourself with information about yeast infection discharge is the 

best way for you to protect yourself as soon as you spot the symptoms.  

A lot of the home remedies recommended for vaginal infections like this 

are easy enough for you to put together using ingredients that might 

already be in your pantry. When more serious symptoms are noted, 

however, do not hesitate to go for professional medical advice.

To prevent having vaginal yeast infection discharge, you can take 

precautionary measures on a regular basis. Among these are eating a 

balanced diet that is rich in whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables. 

You can also include yoghurt or lactobacillus supplements as part of 

your daily nutritional intake. Avoiding feminine products like douches, 

tampons, sanitary pads, and feminine washes that are heavily scented 

is also recommended. Likewise, it is best to avoid wearing clothing that 

constricts and traps heat and moisture in the genital area. Cotton and 

other breathable fabrics are preferred clothing materials.

Being observant of your bodily secretions is a must if you are to spot 

vaginal yeast infection discharge. Pay particular attention to 

changes that occur during the days that lead to your monthly period. 

During this time, the acidity level is altered and could predispose you to 

yeast infection discharge. Other factors that can increase your chances 

of having yeast infections include high levels of stress, use of birth 

control pills, and taking antibiotic medications.

If you want to get more vaginal yeast infection discharge 

Information, please go to

Home Remedy for Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment

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Although seeing a doctor for vaginal yeast infection 

treatment is recommended, there are options that 

women can turn to for a home remedy for vaginal 

yeast infection. These home remedies are 

considered to be safer alternatives to potentially 

harmful medications. Before the right treatment is 

chosen, however, it is first important to recognize 

what the symptoms of yeast infection are. Once all 

other health conditions are ruled out, it will be safe for 

women to use a home remedy for vaginal yeast 


In a lot of women, the symptoms of vaginal yeast 

infection do not immediately manifest. This is because 

the bacteria that cause the infection is already present 

in the natural vaginal environment. When the pH level 

in the vagina becomes imbalanced, yeast fungi growth 

is encouraged. With moderate to severe infections, 

symptoms such as itching, swelling, and discomfort in 

normal activities like urinating and having sex can be 

felt. In these instances, a home remedy for vaginal 

yeast infection can be used to alleviate symptoms.

There are simple ingredients that you can use to 

concoct your own home remedy for vaginal yeast 

infection. Some recipes home formulations that you 

can put together include:

Yogurt and Curds

These two ingredients can help put more good 

bacteria in your body to fight the bad bacteria causing 

your yeast infection. You simply have to mix equal 

parts of the two ingredients with clean warm water. 

Dip a fresh tampon into the mixture and slip it into 

your vagina. Leave it in for about an hour. Take it out 

and then rinse. Do this about three days for one 



This is another inexpensive ingredient that can be 

used as an effective home remedy for vaginal 

yeast infection. Slather honey onto the vagina and 

massage the external area for about 15 to 30 minutes.  

Rinse the honey off with warm water afterwards. 

Some experts, however, worried that the sugar might 

feed the yeast fungi even more.

Apple Cider Vinegar

A douche made from this common kitchen ingredient 

is another effective vaginal yeast infection treatment. 

A mixture of a quart of warm water with two 

tablespoons of apple cider vinegar can be used as a 

douche. Repeat the douche at least three times a day.  

Those who feel that cider vinegar is too acidic can 

choose to substitute it with natural lemon juice.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Some home remedy experts also recommend using a 

hydrogen peroxide solution as a douche solution. The 

recipe calls for a ratio of a teaspoon of hydrogen 

peroxide to a cup of water. This solution can be used 

as an everyday douche until the infection is cured. 

This particular solution is popular among vaginal yeast 

infection patients.

Olive Leaf Extract and Grapefruit Seed Extract

Applying a mixture of these two ingredients can help 

ease the symptoms of yeast infection. Alternatively, 

you can mix baby oil with aloe vera and vitamin E and 

apply to the vaginal area in the same way as the olive 

leaf extract and grapefruit seed extract mixture.

These are just some home remedy for vaginal 

yeast infection that anyone suffering from yeast 

infection can make use of. These have been proven by 

many women to be effective in getting rid of the 

discomfort and irritation of the infection. Since these 

are inexpensive ingredients that you can find in your 

kitchen, it will not be difficult for you to mix your own 

yeast infection home remedy.

If you want to get more home remedy for vaginal 

yeast infection information, please go to