
Vaginal Yeast Infection Discharge Characteristics to Watch Out For

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It is natural for females to have vaginal discharge from time to time. 

This is part of the female reproductive organ’s protective mechanisms. 

But, there are times when this discharge could be indicative of female 

health problems. Normal vaginal discharge can be differentiated from 

vaginal yeast infection discharge. Knowing how to distinguish one 

from the other would empower women to seek medical advice at the 

soonest possible time to prevent more serious health problems.

The female reproductive system has the capability to protect itself from 

bacteria and foreign objects that can harm the body. The acidity level in 

the vagina or the pH levels are normally at 3.8 to 4.5, just the right 

acidity to discourage bad bacteria from thriving. The vagina secretes 

lactic acid for self-cleaning purposes. When the bacterial balance in the 

vaginal flora is disrupted, bad bacteria takes the opportunity to 

populate the area and cause infections. Yeast infection is one of the 

most common results of vaginal microflora imbalance.

  • The appearance of vaginal yeast infection discharge varies 

    from the normal appearance of vaginal lactic acid secretions. Here 

    are some characteristics to watch out for:

  • Is clumpy with appearance and consistency that is similar to white 

    cottage cheese

  • Is green or yellow in color and comes with an unpleasant odor
  • Has accompanying severe itchiness or soreness

  • Feels uncomfortable or causes a burning sensation when urinating

When you observe these characteristics, it is highly likely that you have 

vaginal yeast infection discharge. You should consult with your 

gynecologist immediately for a clear diagnosis. When this happens, 

your doctor may prescribe an antifungal vaginal yeast infection 

treatment product. If you want a safer side effects-free treatment, you 

can ask your doctor about home remedies that you can use at home.

Arming yourself with information about yeast infection discharge is the 

best way for you to protect yourself as soon as you spot the symptoms.  

A lot of the home remedies recommended for vaginal infections like this 

are easy enough for you to put together using ingredients that might 

already be in your pantry. When more serious symptoms are noted, 

however, do not hesitate to go for professional medical advice.

To prevent having vaginal yeast infection discharge, you can take 

precautionary measures on a regular basis. Among these are eating a 

balanced diet that is rich in whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables. 

You can also include yoghurt or lactobacillus supplements as part of 

your daily nutritional intake. Avoiding feminine products like douches, 

tampons, sanitary pads, and feminine washes that are heavily scented 

is also recommended. Likewise, it is best to avoid wearing clothing that 

constricts and traps heat and moisture in the genital area. Cotton and 

other breathable fabrics are preferred clothing materials.

Being observant of your bodily secretions is a must if you are to spot 

vaginal yeast infection discharge. Pay particular attention to 

changes that occur during the days that lead to your monthly period. 

During this time, the acidity level is altered and could predispose you to 

yeast infection discharge. Other factors that can increase your chances 

of having yeast infections include high levels of stress, use of birth 

control pills, and taking antibiotic medications.

If you want to get more vaginal yeast infection discharge 

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